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File a Maxient Report

What is Title IX? 

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or gender in educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX protects students and employees, and prohibits gender-based and sexual misconduct. 

  • Gender Identity Discrimination 
  • Sexual Orientation 
  • Gender-based or Sexual Violence 
  • Sexual Harassment 
  • Sexual Assault 
  • Sexual Exploitation 
  • Relationship Violence 
  • Stalking 
  • Retaliation 
  • Pregnant and/or parenting students 

All employees (with few exceptions) are required to report Title IX violations to Title IX:, or Reports can also be submitted directly online.  

What is Bias?  

Bias is a pre-formed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons who possess common characteristics, such as skin color, or cultural experiences, such as religion or national origin. DU policies prohibit bias and discrimination related to a protected identity. 

The DU community is asked to report bias incidents regarding: 

  • Race and Ethnicity 
  • Gender Identity or Expression 
  • National Origin 
  • Age 
  • Disability Status 
  • Veteran Status 
  • Faith Tradition 
  • Hate Crimes 
  • Bias-motivated offensive conduct 
  • Discrimination against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability 
  • Discrimination against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability 

The Full One Process Bias and Title IX policy can be found here.

How do I report a Title IX or Bias Incident?

If you or someone else is in danger, please contact 911. 

You may also contact:

  • Precious Porras, Vice President, Justice, Equity & Inclusion
  • Gabe Lara, Associate Vice President
, Student Success and Engagement
  • Contact Campus Safety (708) 524-5999 and/or call 911.

Do I have to report a Title IX or Bias incident?

The DU community is asked to report incidents that may violate University anti-discrimination and sexual misconduct policies so that efforts can be made to end discriminatory and harassing conduct, prevent its reoccurrence, and, where possible, remedy its effects. All university employees, contracted staff, designated student employees, and trustees are required to report concerning behaviors, including threats or crimes by employees. DU takes reports seriously and is committed to following up on reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and discrimination. 

If you see something, say something!