Dr. Brooke Reavey Meets with University Students in Romania as Fulbright Specialist

Dr. Brooke Reavey, associate professor of marketing, was the recipient of a Fulbright Specialist grant, allowing her to work with entrepreneurship students from the University of Babes-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Romania this summer.
Reavey spent three weeks in Romania, leading a workshop for students on digital marketing strategies. She also served as a judge for Demo Day, in which students competed for funding to help launch their own business. The competition is similar to Dominican’s Entrepreneurship Launchpad Fund contest and the Brennan Business Challenge, which are held each year. In her role as a judge, Reavey, with other scholars, helped to guide students on how to launch a business.
Reavey also traveled to Bucharest where she spent time in collaboration with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
Her work with students in Romania can benefit Dominican’s business students, she said.
“We’re hoping to create a collaboration between our entrepreneurship students within Brennan and with entrepreneurship students at the University of Babes-Bolyai,” she explained.
Because the Romanian students have shown strength in coding and software engineering, these skills can be valuable to DU students, who, in turn, can share business knowledge benefitting their overseas counterparts, Reavey said.
This was Reavey’s second visit to Romania through the Fulbright program. She spent a year in Bucharest as a Fulbright Senior Scholar from 2017-18.